
Blogs, presentations and podcasts

How to manage pain during childbirth: What the research saysThe Conversation, 10/12/2020Women have always used different methods to try and reduce pain during childbirth. Over the years these methods have included inhaling opiates, a warm compress, …

How to manage pain during childbirth: What the research says

The Conversation, 10/12/2020

Women have always used different methods to try and reduce pain during childbirth. Over the years these methods have included inhaling opiates, a warm compress, magical charms and even sprinkling animal dung in a hot drink… read more…

Normal birth: Position statementAll 4 Maternity, 1/1/2020Here at All4Maternity: The Practising Midwife and The Student Midwife, we are strong advocates of women and birthing people’s rights to make and enact their preferred birthing decisions. We ar…

Normal birth: Position statement

All 4 Maternity, 1/1/2020

Here at All4Maternity: The Practising Midwife and The Student Midwife, we are strong advocates of women and birthing people’s rights to make and enact their preferred birthing decisions. We are, however, concerned with the lack of equitable services meeting the needs of women seeking a normal physiological birth…read more

Feminist narrative inquiry: Midwives supporting unconventional birth choicesPsychReg, 3/10/2018Women’s choices during pregnancy and childbirth is a common rhetoric that is embedded within governmental policies, cultural norms, and women’s expectatio…

Feminist narrative inquiry: Midwives supporting unconventional birth choices

PsychReg, 3/10/2018

Women’s choices during pregnancy and childbirth is a common rhetoric that is embedded within governmental policies, cultural norms, and women’s expectations. Beyond consumerism, choice is now associated with feminist issues of women’s autonomy, agency, consent and the human rights agenda. However, evidence suggests that women can face opposition, conflict, and reprisals when attempting to exert their agency…read more…

Rise in ‘freebirthing’ suggests women feel midwives and doctors are ignoring their needsThe Conversation, 22/8/2016Freebirthing, where women choose to give birth without medical assistance from midwives or doctors, is mired in controversy…read …

Rise in ‘freebirthing’ suggests women feel midwives and doctors are ignoring their needs

The Conversation, 22/8/2016

Freebirthing, where women choose to give birth without medical assistance from midwives or doctors, is mired in controversy…read more

De-implementing ‘fresh ears’All 4 Maternity, 18/9/2020Dr Claire Feeley draws attention to the removal of ‘fresh ears’ for intermittent auscultation in the recently updated Saving Babies Lives bundle (v2)… read more…

De-implementing ‘fresh ears’

All 4 Maternity, 18/9/2020

Dr Claire Feeley draws attention to the removal of ‘fresh ears’ for intermittent auscultation in the recently updated Saving Babies Lives bundle (v2)… read more

Are some maternity care choices more equal than others?All 4 Maternity, 7/10/2019On the 3rd October 2019 the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology  published two sides of a debate about routinely offering all women a choice in induction…

Are some maternity care choices more equal than others?

All 4 Maternity, 7/10/2019

On the 3rd October 2019 the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology  published two sides of a debate about routinely offering all women a choice in induction of labour. Both author teams presented high quality arguments, based on evidence, and with respect for the wellbeing  and autonomy of women and babies…read more

An ‘unconventional’ choice: What do midwives do?Byrom & Byrom, 10/6/2017Welcome Claire! Thank you so much for being our special guest, and accepting this invitation for me to interview you for our ‘In conversation with’ series….what an honour!&n…

An ‘unconventional’ choice: What do midwives do?

Byrom & Byrom, 10/6/2017

Welcome Claire! Thank you so much for being our special guest, and accepting this invitation for me to interview you for our ‘In conversation with’ series….what an honour!  I was incredibly interested and excited to read about the subject you have chosen to study…read more

Giving birth and ‘going it alone’: choosing to freebirth in the UKBioMed Central, 12/4/2016BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth recently published a research article investigating the reasons behind why women choose to ‘go it alone’ when giving birth in the…

Giving birth and ‘going it alone’: choosing to freebirth in the UK

BioMed Central, 12/4/2016

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth recently published a research article investigating the reasons behind why women choose to ‘go it alone’ when giving birth in the UK. Co-author Claire Feeley explains more about their findings in this guest blog…read more…


